Sunday, December 25, 2005

A Christmas Prayer

It's 2:12 a.m. of December 25, 2005. Everyone has gone to sleep. As I sit here in front of the computer thinking about something important to write on, I remember two of the most important things I have learned this past year- contentment and trust. Looking back at what has transpired this past year, it pleases me to say that one way or another, I have taken to heart these values. God has taught me to be content by showing me that there is more to this world than just material possessions. The desire to possess things is never ending. You would want more of the things you don't have but then discard them eventually and start looking for other things to better please you. It's never easy to be contented, but it is most important if one wants to live a full and happy life. As Paul said in one of his letters, "in whatever state I am, I learn to be content..." (or something like that). God has also taught me to trust. I am dependent on Him alone because He is my source of everything. As with contentment, learning to trust God is soooo very difficult. It's like walking in the dark with only your friend's voice telling you which way to go. It's believing even without seeing. Sometimes I feel so helpless that I get tempted to doubt, to worry and to go astray. I shared that feeling to friends I have at Church. Ate Sha, my outreach group leader told me one thing. She said that I shouldn't imagine that it's me holding on to God's hand because I might have the tendency to let go. Instead, it should be God holding mine because then I can rest assured that He is faithful enough and strong enough to never let go. It is my prayer this Christmas that my friends and family might learn these things as well. I am not an expert on this yet, but I know that God is working in my life and I'm growing in faith. I just hope I can influence people to do the same. Contentment and trust for me are very essential to a full and happy life.

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