Monday, October 24, 2005

A Wonderful Thought

When I'm in my darkest moments, God often finds a way to remind me of how important I am to Him. Like today for instance, I felt like I was the most worthless piece of ...uhh,err..creature (piece of creature?!?) that ever walked on this planet because that's exactly what other people try to make me feel (and it hurts to think that these "other people" are actually the ones closest to my heart). I don't want to go into the details because it would just make me feel worse than I already do. Here's what God wanted to tell me through a message sent by my closest friend just when I badly needed it:

There are many reasons God saved you: to bring glory to Himself, to appease His justice, to demonstrate His sovereignty. But one of the sweetest reasons God saved you is because He is fond of you. He likes having you around. He thinks you are the best thing to come down the pike in quite a while. If God had a refrigerator , your picture would be on it. If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, He will listen. He can live anywhere in the universe, but He chose your heart. Face it friend.. HE'S CRAZY ABOUT YOU!

It's a wonderful thought, God being crazy about me! Someone so powerful, so mighty and awesome would actually be crazy about some girl who falls asleep while in the middle of a conversation with Him, and who sometimes blames Him for all the misfortune she has faced and who oftentimes humiliates Him because of the way she acts. It's hard to imagine but it is true. This thought hasn't made me hurt-proof, because it doesn't change the fact that I'm human, so yes, I still get hurt by how people try to make me feel. It has done one thing though. It assured me that no matter what other people say or do to me, God cares so much about me! And THAT makes me soooo not worthless! Because if I were, He wouldn't have died on that cross.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

When Tomorrow Starts Without Me
(An email from our pastor when I lost my dad. I would like to believe that it's from my wonderful papa.)
When tomorrow starts without me,
And I'm not there to see.
If the sun should rise and find your eyes,
All filled with tears for me.

I wish so much you wouldn't cry,
The way, you did today.
While thinking of the many things,
We didn't get to say.

I know how much you love me,
As much , as I love you.
And each time that you think of me,
I know you'll miss me too.

But when tomorrow starts without me,
Please try to understand.
That an angel came and called my name,
And took me by the hand.

And said my place was ready,
In Heaven, far above.
And that I'd have to leave behind,
All those, I dearly love.

But as I turned to walk away,
A tear fell from my eye.
For all my life, I'd always thought,
I didn't want to die.

I had so much to live for,
So much yet to do.
It seemed almost impossible,
That I was leaving you.

I thought of all the yesterdays.
The good ones and the bad.
I thought of all the love we shared,
And all the fun we had.

If I could relive yesterday,
Just even for awhile.
I'd say goodbye and kiss you,
And maybe see you smile.

But then I fully realized,
That this could never be.
For emptiness and memories,
Would take the place of me.

And when I thought of worldly things,
I might miss, come tomorrow.
I thought of you, and when I did,
My heart was filled with sorrow.

But when I walked through heaven's gates,
I felt so much at home.
When God looked down and smiled at me,
From His great golden throne.

He said "This is eternity,
And all I've promised you."
Today for life on earth is past,
But here it starts anew.

I promise no tomorrow,
But today will always last.
And since each day's the same day,
There's no longing for the past.

But you have been so faithful,
So trusting and so true.
Though there were times, you did some things,
You knew you shouldn't do.

But you have been forgiven,
And now at last you're free.
So won't you take my hand,
And share my life with me?

So when tomorrow starts without me,
Don't think we're far apart.
For every time you think of me,
I'm right here, in your heart.
Why Mothers Cry
(a post I found on a very special website)
"Why are you crying?" he asked his mom.
"Because I'm a mother." she told him.
"I don't understand." he said.
"You never will, but that's okay."
Later the little boy asked his father,
Why mothers seemed to cry for no reason.
"All mothers cry for no reason,"
Was all his dad could say.
The little boy grew up and became a man,
Still wondering, why mothers cry.
So he finally put in a call to God.
And when God got on the phone the man said,
"God, why do mothers cry so easily?"
God said:
"You see son, when I made mothers,
They had to be special.
I made their shoulders strong enough to carry,
The weight of the world,
Yet gentle enough to give comfort.
I gave them an inner strength,
To endure childbirth and rejection,
That many times come from their children.
I gave them a hardness that allows them
To keep going, when everyone else gives up.
And to take care of their families through,
Sickness and fatigue without complaining.
I gave them the sensitivity to love their children,
Under all circumstances.
Even when their child has hurt them very badly.
This same sensitivity helps them,
To make a child's boo-boo feel better.
And helps them share a teenager's anxieties and fears.
I gave her strength to care for her husband,
Despite, faults.
And I fashioned her from his rib,
To protect his heart.
I gave her wisdom to know,
That a good husband, never hurts his wife.
But sometimes tests her strengths.
And her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.
For all of this hard work, I also gave her,
A tear to shed.
It is hers to use whenever needed,
And it is her only weakness.
When you see her cry,
Tell her how much you love her.
And all she does for everyone,
And even though she may still cry,
You will have made her heart feel good."
"She is special!"
In behalf of all the kids who made their mama cry, I would like to say sorry! For my mom and all the wonderful mothers out there, THANK YOU for making life a whole lot special! Cheers!!! =)